I have avoided talking about Brock Lesnar for a while, but it's been coming up so much lately that I figure it's finally time.
Dana White recently announced that the UFC will work on signing Brock Lesnar, saying that Lesnar probably should have started with the UFC instead of K-1. Given his wrestling backround and classic American smack talk, that makes sense, but I'm not happy about it.
I don't like Brock Lesnar. It's not a secret.
It's not that he's homophobic.
It's not that he used to work for the WWE.
Those are things that just bother me. I don't Lesnar because he has the biggest mouth in the sport, and he's only had one professional fight.
As far as athleticism and caliber of wrestling, Lesnar is great. He's a phenomenal athlete and he had a great career as a college wrestler, but he seems to think that he's some sort of mixed martial arts savant.
Apart from working with Royce Gracie (who has long since fallen off of his pedestal and was suspended after testing positive for steroids) and building up his ridiculous, creatined-out muscles, Lesnar passes his time by announcing that he should be fighting for the UFC heavyweight title.
In theory, every fighter should strive to be the best and believe that they deserve that belt, but Lesnar's smack talk is ridiculous for someone who holds 1 career win, especially when it's over a no name like Min Soo Kim (2-6-0).
Maybe if Lesnar beat a former world champion or a legend like Pedro "the Rock" Rizzo or a top contender like Mark Hunt in the first round I would be able to say "Okay, you should definitely be considered in the mix." Let's be real though, and look at the numbers behind Lesnar.
Brock Lesnar
Pro MMA Record: 1-0-0 (1 Submission)
Height: 6'2
Weight: 285 lbs
Firstly, when your professional career is a little over a minute long you should not be considering a title shot. Brandon Vera is 8-0 and has fought some legit opponents (most of them with winning records). Lesnar has beaten a 2-6 opponent. Why does Lesnar think he deserves a title shot?
Maybe it's because he has the biggest pecs. Maybe it's because he is a personality. Maybe it's because he played for the Minnesota Vikings.
From a technical standpoint, Lesnar has no standup. He's going to try and take down everyone he fights. That works against Min "Mr. Shark" Soo Kim, but if Mirko CroCop or Randy Couture is trying to take your head off then it's a little bit of a different game.
As far as I'm concerned, Lesnar has yet to make an MMA debut against a serious opponent, but if he intends to do that in the UFC, he better start losing some weight, because if he's really 285 solid then he's going to have to sweat a little bit to cut down to the UFC 265 pound cap.
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