Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I'm on FightOpinion

I'll be honest, I was really excited when I saw a trackback to my article on Wanderlei Silva on FightOpinion.

Unfortunately, I have to admit that I was incredibly bored most of the other articles. Apart from the mainstream outlets like the British Sun, which acknowledged that "Jardine has a point to prove" (as if a fighter steps into the ring and says "you know, I don't think I'm going to make this an entertaining fight, because I want to piss off the fans"), all except .

Generally, I think Kevin's great at bringing MMA to people who don't watch it. The work he's done with Yahoo is really good. Still, the fact that the comments in his piece look exactly like a piece I wrote about two months ago bugs me a little. I'm aware that Kevin has some consistency in his views, and it's not like he hasn't been saying this, but I think it's better if the writers just leave this stuff well enough alone.

We have said we're not going to promote gimmick fighters, and, sorry Kevin, even talking about how we're not talking about them (especially at great length) is pretty paradoxical. I'm aware that your piece was on why other people are talking about the bearded brawler, but come on, it's been said.

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